Feeling ashamed over how often you try to open doors
the wrong way? Probably, but you are not as lonely with this problem
as you may think.
Every day, thousands of people have trouble with doors that appears to have the hinges on the wrong side of the door. This was what happened to a group of Xnet loyalists when trying to open the front door to the shopping mall Matpunkten in Halmstad, Sweden (see illustration below). One member of the group had had similar problems before, and the analytic brain of his figured out that wherever hinges are found on doors, they are always situated on the side from where to pull the handle. With this in mind, the group looked at the door and found no hinges from the point where they were standing. Now, pushing the door (performing an inverse pulling action) seemed to be the right decision. This proved to be correct. The group's noodle shopping venture was a success from that point on. After this discovery, the loyalist has been rewarded an Xtralife by the Xmen. See the conclusions of this tip. |