980726. The Xnet Fanclub 98 was this year held in Stockholm, Sweden. Approximately 6000 Xnet fans attended the event. Photos will appear soon. |
980721. The Message Board will be down for a while, but the one player chat module is working fine, as well as the guestbook and the electronic mail option. |
980607. Martin told Lars that he would beat him up if he didn't fix the horribly coded tables in the Xpo menu page. So Lars fixed it and, as a bonus, replaced the ugly Xpo headline with a nicer one. |
980606. The links page is now up. Available in the Comm area. |
980605. The Comm area got a Message Board added. Here you can discuss everything about this site or just relax and talk about the weather or the mysterious Kenneth. An x-tra life goes to Christian Akerlund for the nice db-engine, created in Cold Fusion. |
980602. ShockRave also wants to showcase the Xnet Music Xperience, the export is a fact :) |
980528. ShockRave wants to showcase Monkey Maze: "Macromedia wishes to feature this exceptional work on our new entertainment site ShockRave. Macromedia would be interested in licensing the rights to this artful piece." |
980527. If you want to vote for Xnet.se in the GP Attityd Web Awards, please feel free to do so: choose the Xnet button!" |
980527. We got this from Macromedia: "Congratulations! Your site has been selected to be Macromedia's Shocked Site of the Day for today, May 27th. To view the Shocked Site of the Day visit: http://www.macromedia.com/shockzone/ssod/!" |
980527. Xnet.se finished no 8 in the Swedish advertising newspaper Resumé's web awards for April-98, 47 sites contested. |
980525. The betamania progress continues, check out the latest here! |
980524. Xnet Music Xperience reached:beta v.2 with a new loader and lots of new fun functions, read the "help file" |
980522. Games area progress: Lars is finished modelling the new games system. Have a sneak peek in the gallery. |
980511. XNet Music Xperience V1.0 is now upgarded to 1.1, including new turboloader (40% faster) and some new features as "mute loop button" and new highscores.(check out the eastereggs too :) |
980511. Mystery mania, the friend Kenneth appears on screen.. |
980503. XNet Music Xperience V1.0 is ready, check it out here!. |
980501. A sneak preview of Anim8typeII is launched in the xpo-section. |
980418. Hype Banner, the worlds first chatbanner is out now! |
980413. Xman Martin Cedergren has activated himself, check out some stuff here!. |
980321. Rumours says that the Xmen were captured by aliens last night, huh, they seem to be heading.. *rEf¤5f/ERR"#¤ +++ no connection |
980315. More photos by Xman Viktor added in his M.O.P. area. |
980304. Working late nights can be dangerous for your mental health; Lars has serious plans on buying one of those sleek new G3 powerbooks... a good nights sleep might help. |
980228. Lars has set off on a new Flash project as a part of the upcoming Xnet Flash Overhaul. |
980228. The Comm section is now activated. The Chat section is still glued though, so enter at your own risk. |
980218. The guy who had a Bob Dog poster outside his apartment just bought 20 percent of Xnet, so the xmen are now five. Specs available in the near future. |
980216. Fredrik was spotted heading for Stockholm, Sweden, along with his girlfriend and their netbaby. |